Friday 15 April 2016

Clean 2016: Getting Back on Track

Clean2016 has been something of a difficult one these first few months. While I cheerfully cleared out my wardrobe and have only bought (ethically sourced) work clothes since, the rest has somewhat fallen by the wayside, as other things took priority.

I now have a new job to focus on and a flat to settle into, but I want to use all the changing at the moment to change some other things. I feel like my life is in a large amount of flux right now so it's a good time to take advantage of that energy and make further changes.

I'm happy with where I am at the moment. I plan another cull in the autumn, when I've had a while to live in the clothes I have. In the meantime, I've got vouchers to buy some bits for myself and I have resisted my usual urge to go out and use them immediately. Instead I'm saving them until there is a specific item I need so I can make a long term purchase. This is a great change from my usual habits and I feel comfortable with it and proud of myself.

This seriously slipped while I was focused on getting a new job and seeing enough of Rich while he was in Portsmouth, but now's the time to pick it up again. I bought a Jawbone so I can track my daily movement and work towards increasing it as much as possible, I've started running again and am now adding Pilates and some yoga into the mix. I'm also tracking my sleep to aim for an 8 hours a night habit.

Bangs & A Bun was interviewed on the Blogtacular podcast and I felt really inspired by her fitness message. At the same time, I'm reading a lot about Ronda Rousey, my friends are coming out with things like 'If you don't use it you lose it' and I'm doing internal fist pumps over this because - yes! I got into exercise last year because I didn't want to be weak anymore. Sure I was slim - I still am - but I think it's fantastic to be able to do a press up or a pull up or run for the bus without dying.

These were all timely reminders to get my butt back in gear because I felt so confident when I was improving my fitness week on week. Why? It had nothing to do with looking a certain way and everything to do with how it felt and the things I knew I could do. Making those changes in your body make you feel so in control that you feel you can do anything. Time to get that back!

Planning & Making
Clean 2016 was as much about feeling clean and clear inside as outside. I blogged earlier this week about making room for creativity in my daily life by cultivating some better habits which is really helping.

I've been using a bullet journal which is making my mind much clearer by giving me a space to plan as well as brain dump (more on my April set up when we have internet and I can upload pics!)

After the upheaval of the last few months, another time I'd have felt a bit lost. I'd have been looking around going 'what now?' Thanks to Clean 2016 I had a touchstone. When the stress of moving was over, I knew what to head towards and so far, that has made all the difference.

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